Yet another argument I hear all of the time, crazy really as all clients have their place. However before I put my completely biased view forward lets dispel some far too common myths.
For now this post will focus purely on non-mobile device based (User-Interfaces) and UX. (User-Experiences).
Thick Client Myths
- Better UI – well yes and no it really depends on the tools you use and he skills of your team. I have seen some truely atrocious User Interfaces in my career and the majority of them have been windows/linux thick client based.
- Best User experience – pretty much the same as above, think clients do excel in UI performance providing the workstation it is installed on is powerful enough.
- Weak in distributed computing – I love this one, it does nto come up often but it seems that in all of the PR that web services go in early 2000 actually got people thinking you can only really use distributed data in rich(smart) or web based client UI’s.
- Hard to deploy around a company – My personal favorite, for a long time now there has been a big shift in deployment options across an enterprise (or SMB) where you can have applications auto-install across a network based on user privileges. Not only that applications can also be self updating once installed. This actually get’s around the deployment issue normally associated with think clients. OF course a web browser application is immediately available; However, you must also realize that a web application has a lot of restrictions and also has some pretty big security and deployment issues also.
Web Client Myths
- .Easy to Deploy – This depends entirely upon yor organization and the technologies used on a website. A very good example of this is flash and java enabled applications which need a browsers security to be reduced so these technologies can be run effectively.
- Bad UI features – Where to start, some of the best UI I have seen have been web based. However as technology and user expectation grow. I see more and more web based applications trying to do very complex processing and logical displays in a web front end that really push the web to it’s limits and ultimately fails to deliver a good user experience. Examples of these are UI’s that are screen designers/workflow layout designers. Most of these web applications resort to very large Java code/applications to be installed locally. Or large JavaScript/VBScript files that get processed on every web page and webpage refresh that just means post backs or Async callbacks are slow at best. Also there is the unwritten rule in web UI design that ideally you never go beyond 50-75 UI controls on a single page.
- Good User Experience –This really is a graphic and UX/UI design area. If you have a great design team that understands issues of the backend providing data, and also the REAL practical limitations of a web application. The UX should be good. However, most web applications (not websites) are pretty weak user experiences outside of the pure media and gaming industries.
- Cheap to Implement – This is the biggest pain in my Ass myth. I have never been on web application project that has been cheaper to implement than a Thick client, mobile, rich client application. Most of the time is usually spent trying to get the UI to work well in more than one browser and also to maintain state in a complex page. I have seen systems with workflow designers taking months to complete in a acceptable web experience compared to a think client, again mostly due to state and application control issues. For simple UI/UX the web is amazing fast to prototype and get running, for commercial quality user experience and UI flexibility the web is not the way to go.
Rich Client Myths
- Security – The number one reason for not using a RIA is security, because an application can be downloaded from the web, uses 80% web technology, but seems to run as a standalone thick client like experience on a desktop or in a web browser concerns people. This also leads onto the next myth.
- Deployment – The deployment issue is tied more to security and corporate/company standards for staff workstation more than it is on actual data security issue. The issue here is that a lot of companies do not allow staff to download and install browser plug-in; quite a few even disable flash players. All RIA technologies currently need a client installing in a browser or on the operating system in use. Example RIA frameworks are
So when would I use each of these types of UI, well that will be in a later post, my lunchtime just ran out…
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