Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Funnel Metaphor Matching and Merging...

As I am designing/architecting a matching and merging API albeit a very basic one, I am leaning towards a Funnel like metaphor of how data is matched and merged into logical sets of normalized data.

The metaphor which for various reasons I will not put a diagram online for, is very similar to that of a sales pipeline as an idea of reference. (I have not been able to create a diagram that I am happy with, and also since the API is not created and only in early design. the Diagram is likely going to be wrong. I am not even sure this way will work.. guess I will know soon enough…)

As a sideline I am working on maybe naming this technology API/concept, something along the lines of the metaphor concept of funnel; But alas I am not getting any good ideas…

Maybe someone in the Blogosphere has a good idea?

Rules are thus:

  • It is an API used to Merge-Match data.
  • It is designed for developers.
  • It has no UI.

Please post your idea’s and keep them polite and clean ^^

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