Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Definitions of Logic Types that can be used in Matching…

Since I am delving quite deeply into Merge-Matching techniques it makes sense that I also define the 3 main types of Logical processes that can be used to decide logically what could or could not be a potential match of data source elements.

Plus its good for me to re-confirm my own understanding, I am open to other logic types that could be used in advanced matching as long as they are not too esoteric in nature.

Here list in order of my preference:

  • Deterministic Logic - Deterministic Logic gives an equal weighting to the different types of information available and uses the overall weighting values as a way to make a logical decision. For example a decision is determined based on a real known value/score.
  • Probabilistic Logic - Probabilistic Logic normally uses some statistical information that has been collected to make a decision. For Example it is more likely that this is the right decision based upon experience.
  • Fuzzy Logic - Fuzzy logic is meant to resemble basic human reasoning and its use of partial or approximate information weighted against uncertainty to come to a logical decision. For example, its sounds like that item so maybe it is that item.

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